Why A Google Search Turns Up Only Derogatory Info |
When Activism Meets Corruption in Nassau County, L.I.This webpage is intended to address questions -- specifically, a handful of minor arrests -- precipitated by Google or Bing! search results that have evidently been rigged by a politically-adverse local newpaper, as well as distorted by peculiar limitations in the Google search algorithm that fail to turn up dozens of other articles. See our Media Photo-Archive Page. |
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ABOVE: Photos immediately before incidents that gave rise to three arrests, 2014 to 2017:(1) Resident and landscaper unprovoked agress toward us after we took photos, left the scene, and called police; (2) Resident in rational conversation prior to becomong enraged, leaping from his car and charging at us; (3) Resident approaching menacingly on public street as we took photos.For about seven years, we worked on Long Island pioneering a type of citizen-environmental-action that shook up judges, courts, government bodies, and law firms: See our archive of media clippings. See also: Our Wordpress Legal-Biography. But almost the only evidence of environmental activist Richard Brummel's work readily-accessible on Google or Bing! is now a single jury-rigged article (by its rabidly "free-market" publisher) clearly intended to discredit us. And it tends to work: Even the young Pastor of the Church whose forest we are trying to save, whom we met multiple times, wrote an email condemning us based on that article. It clearly demands clear explanation. Our brand of grass-roots action has included not only getting dressed up and testifying at length, rallying residents, appearing in the media, and creating complex, ground-breaking environmental lawsuits with cutting-edge law and original approaches, but also documenting and 'bearing witness' when chainsaws sickeningly destroy the beautiful local tree canopy -- and home to wildlife -- that has made Long Island -- and our NY-region -- so ecologically rich. Such on-the-ground activism led to our unfortunate encounters with the often thuggish, sometimes out-of-control Nassau County Police Department. Yes, we were arrested, falsely in fact, on three (3) occasions from 2014 to 2017, when we had literally defended ourselves from over-entitled wealthy Long Island home-owners who felt they not only had permission to destroy their beautiful trees (or their neighbors') but they also to confront or deter us from taking photos of them (or their neighbors') doing so, from the public streets. (This above-the-law mentality is very typical on Long Island, and condoned at all level of government until it becomes too scandalous.) None of our arrests -- which led to overcharging and in one case physical abuse -- were disposed of as 'crimes': one was dismissed by “adjournment in contemplation of dismissal” (ACD), and two were pleaded as “disorderly conduct”. One case was pleaded under coercion and duress by the Court -- which was aggressively emptying its docket -- and we later challenged it pro se (by ourselves) by post-judgment motion under the NY criminal procedures. See legal papers. (Challenging the senior judge in Nassau County, we predictably lost after a very diligent fight.) The actual incidents were as follows: (1) In 2014, after we had photographed some unnecessary tree-destruction at a million-dollar house in Roslyn Estates, L.I., the resident and her landscaper accosted us at our own car, far from the house, and when we pulled out a fire-extinguisher to back them off, the arriving police -- whom we had called! -- arrested us for“menacing”. The charge was dismissed by ACD agreement.Photo of trees being cut down at 9 Poplar Drive, Country Estates, November 10, 2014:
Photo of trees being clear-cut at 8 Barnyard Lane, Roslyn Hts.-Roslyn Country Club, July 12, 2019:
Organizer Richard Brummel, Tel: (201) 749-7065, Email: rxbrummel AT gmail DOT com |
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