Tree Destruction
Immune from review procedures in its own tree laws, the Village went on a tree-cutting rampage Thursday 9/27/12 that involved removing many seemingly healthy trees from thoughout the Park, including a 50-inch diameter Oak tree by the police substation. Park Director Bill Galvin said all the trees were removed after an expert judgement was rendered. We wish, however that Tree Health, the village arborist, or some other certified professional had documented each of the trees' stories in advance. This apparently was not done. Certain staff told us the only reason the 50-inch Oak was removed was the tree was "leaning" but professionals have told us that a leaning tree is NOT automatically a dangerous tree. Since we became aware of a full grown healthy Oak abutting the swimming area fence was removed by Executive Order in 2011, we have urged that ALL tree removals come under open review, even those initiated by the Village. Our recommedations for transparency and accountability in tree and building laws were made September 27th to the Tree and Building Review Committee are contained in Testimony here
Help us force East Hills to really protect the environment, our piece of this seriously damaged Planet. Help stop the Republican stealth takeover of East Hills government.
Help us form the "Keep East Hills Green Civic Association". Write rbrummel [at] att [dot] net, Call (516) 669-1741. Thank you!
50-inch Oak tree, likely 200 years old, cut down with no warning at the East Hills Park next to police building, 9/27/2012.
Trees cut at EH Park next to police building, 9/28/2012.
Tree cut at EH Park next to police building, 9/29/2012.
Trees cut at EH Park, 9/28/2012.
Trees cut at EH Park, 9/28/2012.
Trees cut at EH Park, 9/28/2012.
Trees cut at EH Park, 9/28/2012.
Trees cut at EH Park, 9/28/2012. This grove of seven varied trees was entirely removed, possibly to prepare for a new driveway.
Trees cut at EH Park, 9/28/2012. This grove of seven varied trees was entirely removed, possibly to prepare for a new driveway.
Trees cut at EH Park, 9/28/2012. Of the several trees cut these are the only ones whose trunks showed disease.
Trees cut at EH Park, 9/28/2012. Of the several trees cut these are the only ones whose trunks showed disease.
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